Past Fellowship Recipients
Dr. Olajumoke (Jumo) Ayandele│2021- 2023 Fellow

Dr. Olajumoke (Jumo) Ayandele is a Research Consultant at The Armed Conflict Location Event Data Project (ACLED) and a Non-Resident Fellow at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. Her research interests broadly focus on understanding the dynamic relationship and intersection between African conflict, human development, and political stability. She holds a Ph.D. in Global Affairs from Rutgers University.
Dr. Brenda Kombo │ 2020 Fellow

During her time as a CSAAD Postdoctoral Fellow (Spring 2020), Dr. Brenda Kombo was able to advance her research project, “Pan-African Ideal or ‘Radioactive Neo-Liberal Policy Initiative’? Labor Rights and Lessons for the African Continental Free Trade Area from the African Growth and Opportunity Act.” Her activities include submitting a policy paper entitled “Strengthening the Potential of the African Continental Free Trade Area by Integrating Human Rights” to the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University for 2020. She also presented her work at the conference, “Africa in the Era of Global Uncertainty: The AU Agenda 2063 and Post-Covid-19 Threats,” organized by the Nigeria Chapter of the International Public Law Society, the Judicial Research Cluster of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ilorin, the Disability Law Advocacy Project, the Institute for African Women in Law, and the International Research Collaboration 27 of the Law and Society Association. Her article, “Rethinking the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Light of COVID-19,” was subsequently accepted for publication as part of a book project planned for 2021.
Dr. Emery Kalema │ 2019 Fellow

During his time as a CSAAD Postdoctoral Fellow (Fall of 2019), Dr. Emery Kalema participated in several conferences and made a number of presentations in advancing his research project, “Death, Torture and Suffering: The Mulele ‘Rebellion’ in Postcolonial Congo,” which examines the various acts of giving death during the Mulele rebellion (1963-1968), the pain and suffering that such acts caused, and the politics underpinning them, as remembered by some survivors. Drawing on extensive oral interviews and a body of theory on psychoanalysis and phenomenology, he argues that the rebellion, in its extreme manifestation, and the Congolese state had a particular way of inflicing pain and suffering on the bodies of their subjects. this way of administering pain and suffering was a product of hybridization. It relied strongly upon the triple logic of cruelty, excess and sadism. It consisted of seizing people, torturing them, and following them beyond all suffering. Such a way of proceeding had huge consequences for both the dead and the living. On the one hand, it led to the emergence of an overlapping relationship between them. On the other hand, it resulted in condemning the living to carry the dead along with them through their lives as a heavy inseparable burden.