Fatimah L.C. Jackson

headshot Dr. Jackson

Contact Fatimah L.C. Jackson

Email: fatimah.jackson@howard.edu

Phone: 202-806-6954

Office: Howard University
Department of Biology
415 College St., NW
Washington D.C., 20059


Dr. Fatimah L.C. Jackson received her BA (cum laudewith Distinction in all subjects), MA, and PhD from Cornell University. She conducts research on, and is particularly interested in, human-plant coevolution, especially the influence of phytochemicals on human metabolic effects and evolutionary processes and in population substructure in peoples of African descent. She developed ethnogenetic layering as a computational tool to identify human microethnic groups and quantitative approaches to understanding the effects of population stratification on health disparities. Trained as a human biologist, Dr. Jackson has published extensively in such journals as Human Biology, Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology, Journal of the National Medical Association, Science, Nature, Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Oncology, Journal of Clinical Epigenetics, and others. Her research has been funded by USAID, the Ford Foundation, the Huber Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the NIH (NIMHD and NHGRI), the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the EPA. She is Professor Emerita at the University of Maryland and was 1995 Distinguished Scholar Teacher. She has been a Fulbright Senior Fellow. She won the Nick Norgan Award in 2009 for the Best Article Published in the Annals of Human Biology, and in 2012 she was the first recipient of the Ernest E. Just Prize in Medical and Public Health Research, Avery Research Institute, College of Charleston and Medical University of South Carolina. In 2012, she was Coined by Rear Admiral Dr. Helena Mishoe, National Institutes of Health, NHLBI and US Public Health Service. Dr. Jackson has taught widely and is currently Professor of Biology and Director of the W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory at Howard University. In 2017 Howard University named her STEM Woman Researcher of the Year and she received the Outstanding Service Award from the Department of Biology. She is chair of the Natural Sciences Division, Howard University, College of Arts and Sciences.


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