CSAAD 2025 - 2026 Post Doctoral Research Fellowship

The CSAAD Research Fellowship invites scholars based based and living in Africa and the Diaspora (outside of North America and Europe), who have completed the PhD within the last four years, to submit applications for the opportunity to spend either one or two semesters at New York University. The fellowship is open to scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and the research must focus on some aspect(s) of Africa or its Diaspora.

The Fellowship will provide a studio apartment, cover airfare, and provide a stipend of $35,000 per semester – from either September 2, 2025 – January 12, 2026; or January 20, 2026 – May 31, 2026.

The application must include:

1. A one-page letter of introduction.
2. A two-page summary of the research project, which includes a discussion of how specific resources at NYU and New York City will facilitate the project. The summary should state whether the application is for the Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 semester; if both semesters are requested, the application should state which semester is preferred if only one semester is made available.
3. One letter of recommendation.
4. Curriculum Vitae

Application Deadline: March 14, 2025
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